Exercise may reduce negative effects of unhealthy sleep duration on longevity European Society of Cardiology Sophia Antipolis, 30 March 2023: Sleeping too little or too long is linked with a shorter life, but scientists have found that physical activity ... Exercise with a buddy. Your brain will thank you for it. - The Washington Post The Washington Post Regular social exercise may counter physical inactivity and low social ... Physical activity can change the structure of the brain through ... A surprising food may have been a staple of the real Paleo diet: rotten meat - Science News Science News Carbohydrate-fueled energy helped to maintain large brains, enable strenuous physical activity and ensure healthy pregnancies for both Neandertals . Parkinson's disease symptoms disappeared with exercise, man claims: 'Use it or lose it' Yahoo News Researchers found that those who participated in any type of physical activity showed "mild to large improvements" in motor...
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