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Showing posts with the label Metformin

WUTD Today 5/25/2022 Anxiety. The bar ridiculously low, Metformin, Sick after Exercise, Diet makes a difference

  'Set the bar ridiculously low': Rhik Samadder's golden rule for beating anxiety - The Guardian The Guardian Apart from CBT, the usual practical stuff works. Nutritious food, regular sleep and exercise; seeing friends, tidying up, doing things I'm good at. Metformin, Lifestyle Interventions Can Prevent T2D, But Do Little for CVD Risk in Prediabetes Using 21 years of follow-up data from more than 3000 patients with prediabetes, results of the DPPOS study demonstrate metformin use and lifestyle intervention reduced the risk of progressing to T2D, but did little to reduce the long-term risk of cardiovascular disease in these patients. Feel Sick After Exercise? A Scientist Explains Why, And How to Prevent It - ScienceAlert ScienceAlert Many of us exercise to feel better. While some of us get "runners' highs" after a workout, unfortunately some of us leave the gym feeling nauseous ... The overlooked variable in animal studies: why diet makes a difference - Nat