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Showing posts with the label Mediterranean diet

WUTD Today (5/27/2022) Anxiety is part of me/Mediterranean Diet/Microbiome/

  'Anxiety is part of me': Mara Wilson and other anxious minds on how they cope - The Guardian The Guardian The usual recommendations – sleep, yoga, meditation, CBT, affirmations – help, of course, but so does a cold martini, Bruce Springsteen played loud, ... 23 Mediterranean Diet Breakfasts That Can Help Reduce Inflammation - EatingWell EatingWell It combines weight-loss power foods, eggs and raspberries, with filling whole-grain toast and nutrient-packed spinach. The protein and fiber help fill ... Professional 'guilds' of bacteria gave rise to the modern microbiome - Even the smallest marine invertebrates—some barely larger than single-celled protists—are home to distinct and diverse microbial communities, ... How To Start A Mediterranean Diet: Your Nutritionist-Backed Beginner's Guide - Women's Health Women's Health The Mediterranean diet is considered the healthiest eating style, according to experts. Here's everything you need to

Green Mediterranean diet could be a ‘win-win’ for health and the planet

According to ResearchTrusted Source, animal-based food production — including livestock feed — accounts for 57% of total greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, while plant-based food production accounts for only 29%. Heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are all reduced in people who follow a traditional Mediterranean diet. However, new study suggests that a "green" Mediterranean diet, which excludes all meat and emphasizes greens, may be even healthier for humans. If the diet becomes popular, the environmental benefits could be equally impressive. Medical News Today