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Showing posts with the label Memory

Multivitamins Can Improve Memory in Older Adults

A recent clinical trial called COSMOS suggests that taking multivitamins may improve memory and slow cognitive aging in older adults.  The trial involved 3,500 participants aged 60 or older and found that the multivitamin group performed better on memory tests compared to the placebo group.  The benefits were equivalent to slowing age-related memory loss by about 3 years.  The study also noted that individuals with a history of cardiovascular disease experienced the greatest benefits.  It's important to remember that multivitamins should not replace a healthy lifestyle, and high doses of isolated micronutrients may not provide the same benefits.  The trial found that multivitamins were safe to use, and further research is needed to understand who will benefit the most and the underlying mechanisms involved. Source:  ok-Kin Yeung, Daniel M. Alschuler, Melanie Wall, Heike Luttmann-Gibson, Trisha Copeland, Christiane Hale, Richard P. Sloan, Howard D. Sesso, JoAnn E. Manson, Adam M. B

Best diet, space, memory, ballroom dancing

The Best Diet May Vary, New Stanford Research Suggests Healthnews Physical activity. The CDC emphasizes that exercise can help extend life span and prevent diseases that come with obesity along with obesity itself. Our Mental Picture of Space Seems to Expand Like The Universe - ScienceAlert ScienceAlert ... the mental representation of physical space not only reveal how our ... researchers investigated the activity of nerve cells in a part of the ... 7 brain health hacks to strengthen memory, improve mood, and feel less stressed Yahoo Finance While small acts of joy aren't meant to fix underlying mental health ... Quick physical activity breaks can help break the cycle and interrupt ... Kick up your heels – ballroom dancing offers benefits to the aging brain and could help ... KRQE That's the key finding of my team's recently published study in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. In our study, we enrolled 25 […]

Study shows exercise can help older adults retain their memories

We all know exercise is good for us, but that still leaves plenty of questions. How much exercise? Who benefits the most? And when in our lives? New research led by University of Pittsburgh psychologists pools data from dozens of studies to answer these questions, showing that older adults may be able to prevent declines in a certain kind of memory by sticking to regular exercise. Continue reading