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Showing posts with the label omega 3

WUTD 9/20/20222

Specific Links Between Exercise, Memory, and Mental Health Revealed by Fitness Trackers SciTechDaily New research reveals that the effects of exercise on the brain are ... “Mental health and memory are central to nearly everything we do in our ... Study provides an update on depression prevalence among the U.S. population News Medical Increases in depression without commensurate increases in treatment are widespread, reports a study conducted at Columbia University Mailman ... 5 Science-Backed Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids - CNET CNET Fight anxiety and depression. Although more research is needed as to the exact correlation between mental health and omega-3 intake, there appears to ... Your Guide To Low-FODMAP Diets—And An Expert-Backed Meal Plan – Forbes Health Forbes The Low FODMAP diet was designed to help individuals with IBS. ... personalized diet that provides you with a range of vitamins and nutrients.

Los omega 3 frenan el envejecimiento celular

También conocidos como vitamina F, los ácidos grasos omega 3 han demostrado su capacidad para  alargar la vida de los enfermos coronarios . Sin embargo, no estaba claro cómo lo hacen. Ahora, un estudio publicado en  'JAMA'  indica que la presencia de altos niveles en sangre de estas moléculas protege a los telómeros, unas estructuras situadas en los cromosomas relacionadas con el envejecimiento celular.